
Orderly: Premier Episode Centering Our Life on Jesus

Welcome to the Debut Episode of Orderly – Meet Stecky!

In the very first episode of Orderly, hosts Becky Crawley and Stephanie Hillberry introduce themselves and their journey to becoming the quirky duo known as “Stecky.” As longtime friends, these two Christian college graduates discovered they had more in common than they ever imagined. Both have worked in ministry, pivoted into marketing, and share some delightfully eccentric hobbies like bullet journaling, homesteading, composting, and knitting.

But Stecky is more than just a mashup of their names—it’s about balance. Becky’s approach to life is all about diving in headfirst, taking on challenges without hesitation. Steph, on the other hand, prefers to ruminate and take a more measured path. Becky thrives on confrontation and problem-solving, while Steph tends to avoid conflict whenever possible. Their differences create a unique and engaging dynamic that weaves throughout their conversations, making their podcast something special.

Why Orderly?

As women, we’re constantly on a quest for ways to organize and improve our lives—whether it’s finding the latest productivity hack, experimenting with a new planner, or discovering a fresh devotional routine. Even when we sit down to study the Bible, it’s easy to fall into the trap of turning it into a list of things we feel we’re failing at. Why do we make everything so complicated?

Orderly is here to help you break out of that cycle. The Bible tells us over and over again that Jesus wants to carry our burdens, and yet, we often struggle to hand them over. Here are some key verses that remind us of the truth:

  • Psalm 55:22: “Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.”
    God can handle our burdens—He’s more than capable of carrying what we can’t.

  • Matthew 11:28: “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
    Jesus invites us to come to Him when we’re exhausted, promising rest in return.

  • Psalm 68:19-20: “He gives us salvation over and over, then daily he carries our burdens!”
    It’s not a one-time offer. Jesus is here to carry our struggles each day, not just in our moments of desperation.

The Problem of Compartmentalizing Jesus

Here’s the thing—many of us only invite Jesus into certain parts of our lives. When we’re in pain or in need, we rush to Him for help. But what about the other areas? Why do we struggle to let Him into everything?

On Orderly, we’ll be talking about those hidden corners of life where we tend to keep Jesus out—whether it’s out of fear, forgetfulness, or simply busyness. Let’s dive into some areas we touched on in Episode 1:

  • Diet & Fitness:
    We recently launched our Diet Experiment with Jesus. No, it’s not about rules or the latest fad diets. It’s about inviting Jesus into your relationship with food and exercise. What happens when we ask Him to lead the way? We stop feeling guilty or overwhelmed and start embracing His guidance.

  • Humor:
    Yes, Jesus laughs! Steph shares how she regularly tells Jesus jokes and believes He has a fantastic sense of humor. Jesus isn’t distant—He’s involved, and yes, He can find joy and laughter in our lives.

  • Sex:
    Yep, we went there in Episode 1! For many women, sex is a crucial but often hidden area of life, and we shy away from inviting Jesus into this space. But when we don’t, it can become a playground for the enemy. This is a conversation that needs to be had, and we’re not afraid to have it.

  • Money:
    Whether we feel guilty asking Jesus for help with finances or we simply forget to invite Him into our financial decisions, money is another area where we often try to go it alone. What if we let Jesus guide our financial lives too?

  • Work:
    Even if you’re in Christian ministry, how often do you ask Jesus to be part of your daily work tasks? From tough conversations to brainstorming sessions, Jesus wants to be involved in all of it.

A Challenge for This Week

“For a better morning: Talk with God first.”
“For a better night: Talk with God last.”
“For a better life: Talk with God all day.”

In Episode 1, we dive into the struggles we face when we compartmentalize our faith. Why is it so hard to bring Jesus into every part of our lives? Is it a lack of belief? Are we listening to “better advisors”? Or maybe it’s fear—fear of hearing our own voice, or of being misled. Maybe it’s just the busyness of life that gets in the way.

Whatever the reason, here on Orderly, we’re committed to helping you live a life fully integrated with Jesus—where He’s invited into every corner. So, what’s stopping you? What area of your life are you keeping to yourself, and how can you invite Jesus in this week?

What’s Next?

This is just the beginning! We’ll be exploring more topics like parenting, friendship, grief, personal growth, and all the ways we can bring Jesus into every part of our messy, beautiful, chaotic lives. Stay tuned for our next episode, where we’ll talk about how to take your chaotic schedule and bring it into order with Jesus.

Thanks for joining us, and remember—this week, let’s make room for Jesus in all areas of our lives. We can’t wait to see where this journey takes us!


Jesus Wants to Carry Your Burdens. Let Him In.

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