In this week’s podcast episode, we’re wrapping up our three-part series on discipleship by diving into what it means to take action and answer the Great Commission: to “go and make disciples of all nations”
(Matthew 28:19-20).
The past few episodes have been eye-opening as we’ve explored what it looks like to be discipled by Jesus and how others can disciple us. But now, we’re shifting the focus to us—to the calling each of us carries to participate in making disciples.
Let’s be real: the statistics are sobering. According to Dr. George Barna, only 2–3% of American adults consider themselves to be true disciples of Jesus. Even among Christians, only 28% are fully engaged in discipleship—both discipling others and being discipled. And 20% of Christian adults are involved in activities like Bible studies or mentorship.
So, what’s stopping the rest of us?
- We’re busy. Aren’t we all?
- We’re trying to balance church and non-church community.
- We feel unqualified. A lot of us don’t think we know enough about the Bible to lead others.
Discipleship isn’t about having all the answers or perfecting a formula—it’s about showing up, sharing your life, and letting God use you right where you are.
I get it—it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the idea of discipling someone else. But here’s the good news: Jesus doesn’t need us to be perfect. In fact, He loves working with people who feel unprepared because that’s when His power shines the brightest.
On the podcast, Steph and I dig into what the Bible says about this:
- James 2:17-23 reminds us that faith without action is dead.
- The Parable of the Talents shows us the importance of using what we’ve been entrusted with, no matter how small it may seem.
- And in Matthew 5:14-16, Jesus calls us to let our light shine before others.
If you’re afraid or unsure, you’re in good company. Nearly every person Jesus called was an unlikely candidate—fishermen, tax collectors, you name it. But He doesn’t leave us alone. He equips us as we step out in faith.
This week, I challenge you to take a moment to reflect. Look at your calendar, your commitments, and your fears. Ask yourself:
- Are these things more important than the calling God has placed on my life?
- What steps can I take to prioritize making disciples?
Remember, discipleship doesn’t have to be complicated. It can look like having coffee with a friend and sharing what Jesus is teaching you, or inviting someone to read Scripture with you.
If you’re ready to dive deeper, head over to for the full episode and some resources to help you get started.
Let’s embrace this calling together and watch what God will do