
How Podcasting Changed My Life: From Behind the Scenes to Front and Center

When I worked in publishing, I had a bit of a reputation. I was the go-to person when something needed to get done. Whether it was a project that had lost steam or an initiative that was struggling to take off, I was the one they’d call to get things moving. My colleagues even gave me a nickname: the “Becky-Nator.” (Yes, I know, it sounds like a mix between a cyborg and a determined soccer mom, but I’ll take it.) My superpower? I had this strange ability to breathe life into stalled projects and see them through to completion.

So, it wasn’t much of a shock when the higher-ups decided to launch a podcast division and “put me on the task.” Now, here’s the thing—I didn’t know the first thing about podcasting. Honestly, I didn’t even listen to podcasts. But that didn’t stop me. I did what any self-respecting “Becky-Nator” would do: I got to work, set up processes, assembled the right team, and stayed comfortably behind the scenes. I could be the producer, sure—but host a show? Not a chance. Or so I thought.

Stepping Into the Spotlight

After our first recording, something unexpected happened. A little voice inside of me whispered, “You should be on that show.” My initial reaction was to laugh it off—me, behind a microphone? But the thought wouldn’t go away. The next thing I knew, I was co-hosting not one but two podcasts. And let me tell you, that decision would forever change my life.

Podcasting did something for me that I never expected—it moved me from behind the scenes in my life to the front stage. It’s like I’d been playing a supporting role in my own story, and suddenly I was thrust into the spotlight. And you know what? It was terrifying. But it was also exhilarating.

Finding Courage in Vulnerability

One of the most surprising things about podcasting was how it forced me to be vulnerable. There’s something about speaking into a microphone, knowing that people are going to hear your voice, that strips away the protective layers we all wear. Suddenly, I found myself sharing parts of my life, my thoughts, and my experiences that I’d kept hidden away. And you know what? That vulnerability started healing parts of me I didn’t even know needed healing.

Each time I recorded, I had to dig deep. I had to confront fears, insecurities, and doubts that I’d been carrying for years. And as I shared those struggles with my listeners, something incredible happened—I found that I wasn’t alone. People started reaching out, telling me how my words resonated with them, how they’d faced similar battles. It was a beautiful, messy, healing process, and it all started with a podcast.

A New Level of Dependence on Jesus

Now, here’s where things get real. If you’ve ever been behind a microphone, you know that it’s not all smooth sailing. There were days when I’d sit down to record and feel completely empty—no words, no inspiration, nothing. And those were the days when I had to rely on Jesus like never before. I’d pray, “Lord, I have nothing to give right now. You’ve got to take over.” And He always did.

Podcasting upleveled my dependence on Jesus. It’s easy to rely on your own strength when things are going well, but when you’re sitting in front of a microphone with a blank mind and a ticking clock, you realize just how much you need Him. And let me tell you, He never failed to show up. Every time I felt like I had nothing to offer, He would fill in the gaps. It was a humbling, beautiful reminder that I’m just a vessel—He’s the one doing the real work.

Confidence to Take on Bigger Challenges

As I continued podcasting, something else started to happen—I gained confidence. There’s something about putting yourself out there, week after week, that makes you realize you’re capable of more than you ever imagined. Suddenly, challenges that once seemed daunting didn’t seem so scary anymore. If I could co-host two podcasts, what else could I do?

That newfound confidence led me to start my own podcast coaching program. I began helping others launch their own podcasts, guiding them through the process and watching as they experienced the same transformation I did. Time and time again, I saw people step into their own spotlight, finding their voices, sharing their stories, and discovering new levels of courage and confidence.

Podcasting, for so many of us, was just the beginning. It was the “start here” that led to bigger and better things—new opportunities, new adventures, and new ways of shining a light in the world.

Do You Have a Story to Share?

If you’re reading this and you have a story burning inside of you, let me encourage you with this: Don’t hide it. Jesus said in Matthew 5:15-16, “No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.”

Podcasting was the lampstand I needed to let my light shine. It was the platform that moved me from the shadows into the spotlight, from silence into a voice that could speak life and encouragement to others. And if it could do that for me, it can do the same for you.

In this free, easy-to-follow guide, Becky Crawley shares her best tips and insights from years behind the mic and coaching others to launch their podcasts successfully.

What’s Inside:

  • Why Start a Podcast: Discover the power of podcasting to share your unique voice, build a legacy, and connect with others.
  • Top Mistakes New Podcasters Make: Learn what to avoid to keep your podcast focused, consistent, and engaging.
  • Step-by-Step Setup Guide: From choosing your microphone to setting up recording software, you’ll get all the essentials without the overwhelm.
  • Recording & Editing Basics: Get tips on how to record your first episode, edit like a pro, and add music without breaking the bank.
  • Publishing & Promoting Your Podcast: Learn how to upload, submit to platforms like Apple Podcasts, and market your show to build a loyal audience.

Practical Wrap-Up: Your Podcasting Journey Awaits

So, what’s your story? What message do you have inside that the world needs to hear? Maybe you’re not sure where to start, and that’s okay. Podcasting might feel intimidating, but trust me, if I could do it, you can too.

Start small. Start messy. Start with nothing but a microphone and a heart full of stories to tell. And watch as God takes your willingness to step out in faith and turns it into something beautiful.

Who knows? Maybe one day, you’ll be the one writing a blog post about how podcasting changed your life. And I, for one, can’t wait to hear your story.

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